Course curriculum

    1. Glossary of Terms: Innovation

    2. Glossary of Terms: Features of Application Software

    1. 1.1. What is a Questioning Mindset?

    2. 1.2. Development of A Problem Statement

    3. 1.3. Conducting Research

    4. 1.4. Analyse Information & Ideas

    5. Quiz 1: Questioning Mindset

    6. Test Your Knowledge Section 1: Questioning Mindset Answers

    1. 2.1. Generate Ideas & Responses

    2. 2.2. Creative Thinking Technique: Brainstorm

    3. 2.3. Creative Thinking Technique: Mind Map

    4. 2.4. Creative Thinking Technique: Concept Map

    5. 2.5. Creative Thinking Technique: Sketching

    6. 2.6. Creative Thinking Technique: Prototyping

    7. 2.7. Creative Thinking Technique: Logbooks & Diaries

    8. 2.8. Common Blockers To Creative Thinking

    9. 2.9. Communicate Ideas & Responses

    10. Quiz 2: Ideas & Responses

    11. Test Your Knowledge: Ideas & Responses Answers

    1. 3.1. Evaluate Ideas & Responses

    2. 3.2. Testing the Effectiveness of Ideas

    3. 3.3. Refine & Redevelop

    4. 3.4. Critically Evaluating Ideas

    5. Quiz 3: Challenge, Test & Reinvent Ideas

    6. Test Your Knowledge: Challenge, Test & Reinvent Ideas

    1. 4.1. Critical & Creative Thinking Techniques

    2. 4.2. Evaluation & Reflective Practice

    3. 4.3. Learn About New Ideas & Ways of Thinking

    4. Creative Thinking Techniques Quiz

    5. Test Your Knowledge: Creative Thinking Techniques Answers

    1. 5.1. Types of Hardware: Input Devices

    2. 5.2. Types of Hardware: Processing

    3. 5.3. Types of Hardware: Storage Mediums & Methods

    4. 5.4. Types of Hardware: Output Devices

    5. 5.5. Operating Systems (OS)

    6. 5.6. Types of Software: Word Processing

    7. 5.7. Types of Software: Spreadsheet

    8. 5.8. Types of Software: Presentation

    9. 5.9. Types of Software: Database

    10. 5.10. Types of Software: Authoring Software

    11. 5.11. Types of Software: Browser Software

    12. 5.12. Features of Software: Formatting Paragraphs

    13. 5.13. Features of Software: Formatting Documents

    14. 5.14. Advanced Features of Software: Conditional Logic

    15. 5.15. Advanced Features of Software: Lookup

    16. 5.17. Advanced Features of Software: Object Linking & Embedding (OLE)

    17. 5.18. Advanced Features of Software: Macros

    18. 5.20. Internal & External Clients / Users

    19. 5.21. Needs of Clients & Users

    20. 5.22. Referring Client / User Requests

    21. 5.23. Contracts & Service Agreements

    22. 5.26. Methods For Obtaining Feedback

About this course

  • $5.00 / month
  • 56 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content